Beauty DIY: Top 5 Skincare Tips To Look More Handsome

Skincare is not just for women, men also should and need to take care of their skin. It’s time that we dispelled the myth that men don’t care about how their skin looks. Men want glowing skin – just like women want luminous clear skin.
men skincare
Lots of guys do not care about their skin and this is not really healthy. As a guy, you should pay attention to your skin, take cues from Nollywood bad boys like Timini Egbuson, etc. he is cute because he takes care of his skin.
You want your skin to look good, but you don’t know-how. If you want easy, achievable, practical skincare tips for men then look no further as below are some of the top 5 skincare tips for men;
Wear Sunscreen
One of the leading causes of wrinkles is sun damage. When your skin is over-exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, your skin ages prematurely. Most Nigerian men undergo this as they are always under the sun. To achieve wrinkle-free skin, wear sunscreen every day. To ensure ultimate protection from the sun’s harsh rays, look out for SPF 30 or higher. Even better a moisturizer with SPF, and your skin will be hydrated and protected.

Each day, men should drink at least 10 cups of water. When you drink water, toxins are flushed out of your body. This results in glowing skin.
Hydration is an easy way to care for your body – just up your water intake for plump, great skin.

Moisturising your skin is essential to reduce inflammation. When you apply moisturizer, you strengthen the top layer of your skin which is a barrier against toxins entering your skin and body.
It’s an important part of any skincare routine and should be a part of yours too. Look for a moisturizer packed with antioxidants to help prevent aging.

READ ALSO: 3 Beauty Tips To Having A Glowing Skin As You Grow Older
Getting beauty sleep is not just for women! Men also need 8 hours of sleep a night for glowing skin. During sleep, your body repairs your skin, produces collagen which prevents wrinkles, and increases blood flow to your face, creating a healthy glow. A lack of sleep can cause dark circles under your eyes.

Massage your face
Use soft, circular motions to massage tension out of your face. When you massage your face daily you increase facial circulation, resulting in a healthy glow. When you massage your face before you apply skincare products, the products absorb easily into the skin. Facial massage is a simple way you can achieve male model skin for free.

Photo Credit: Getty
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