Aunty Aurora: Why Would My Fiancé Keep His Daughter A Secret From Me For Three Whole Years?

Dear Aunty Aurora,
Please help me, I need advice very urgently. I have been with my man for the past three years and though we don’t agree on everything, we make each other happy and we are already planning to settle down soon. I am having second thoughts about his intentions though because I just found out through a friend that he has a 10-year-old daughter. Imagine my shock. How could I have been with a man who claims to love me for three years and he never mentioned something as important as this? I feel like he might me hiding a lot more from me. Should I just call off the wedding and move on? Stephanie, Lokoja.
Dear Stephanie,
Every relationship has its own peculiar challenge and I believe this is most likely going to be a very defining period in your relationship depending on how you handle them. Don’t be in a haste to call off the wedding till you are absolutely sure of what you have heard and also given your partner a chance to explain himself. Hiding something like that from you hoping that you won’t find out is not a smart move, so I believe there should be other reasons for him hiding his child. i definitely do not support keeping secrets but hear him out and ask him if there are other things you need to know about before you finally make your decision. But I must warn you, if he could hide something like that from you, you need to do your own findings to buttress everything he tells you from now on.Aunty Aurora.
Photo Credit: Getty

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