Pregnancy: 5 Tips On How To Survive Your First Trimester

Most expectant moms have several experiences to tell about their first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester starts right after the last menstrual period if conception has taken place. It typically last for about 3 months.The trick to surviving the first trimester is by knowing what to expect during the first trimester and how to overcome it. Here are practical ways of surviving your first trimester.
1. Stay Hydrated: When conception takes place, your body begins series of changes and it starts getting ready to accommodate another life for another nine months. One of the first symptoms is morning sickness and this can be pretty sickening. You need to always stay hydrated in order to keep yourself and your growing foetus in great shape.
2. Steady exercising: Its is a great idea to engage your body during the first trimester of your pregnancy as your body needs al the energy it can get to accommodate what is growing inside you. Stay fit and healthy.
3. Emotions: It is normal to have certain emotional tantrums once in a while, however, the most important is not to freak out. Be aware that is one of the major symptoms of pregnancy and work to keep it in check.
4. Illegal medications: When conception has taken place your body might react in various ways that can be very confusing. It is always better to consult your doctor before using any medication especially during the first trimester as this is the most fragile period of your pregnancy period.
5. Regular check up: This is the time to always be abreast and alert to whatever changes that occur on your body, no matter how minute. When you notice changes of concern, reach out t your doctor.
Photo Credit: Getty

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