KOKO Quotes: If You Want To Make An Easy Job Seem Hard, Keep Putting It Off – Olin Miller

Procrastination is an active process, you want to get a job or task done, but then you keep putting it off, leaving it for the next day, next minute. Sooner or later, it’ll seem as though the task is unachievable.
“If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.”
– Olin Miller
When you postpone your job, the deadline shrinks and this results in mental stress. When you finally take up the task at the last minute, your mental stress affects the quality of the work and mostly the job is useless at the end.
READ ALSO: KOKO Quotes: Yesterday Is Dead, Tomorrow Hasn’t Arrived, Today I’m Going To Be Happy; Groucho Marx
As you go about your day and week, solve every task that comes your way as they come, never leave them for later. If you would, make sure it’s because you have other stuff up your sleeve already.

Photo Credit: Getty

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