Lifestyle: 6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is a root crop common in Asian countries and india. It has crisp spicy flavor and has many health benefits.Ginger has been used for its medicinal properties among many cultures around the globe. Some of its benefits are listed below.
Migraine Relief
Without side effects, ginger has been used to cure many patients with severe headaches and migraines.A 2002 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Health Interview Survey found that 24% of the 30,000 people polled have tried ginseng.Because nausea and vomiting are common migraine symptoms, ginger is also helpful in offering some migraine sufferers relief from upset stomach.
Blood Sugar Balance
Ginger has strong blood sugar balancing effects. Acting on insulin release and sensitivity, it supports the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids.In a study, insulin noticeably lowered with the intake of ginger supplements. Ginger has also demonstrated powerful protective effects against diabetic kidney, eye and liver diseases.
Body Aches
Evaluation of Ginger was carried out in 2013 for use in relieving female athletes from muscle pain.The trial which went on for 6-weeks had participants taking ginger and it was reported that a significant decrease in muscle soreness was established.
Protection from UV Rays
Ginger protects the skin from the ultra violet rays produced by the sunlight.
Ginger as proven by research data, contains UV absorbing capabilities that protect the DNA from damage. Ginger extracts stimulates antioxidant production which protects against damaging UV light.

To Counter Motion Sickness
A bottle of fresh ginger drink wont be a bad idea the next time you plan to travel. You can take a cup of fresh ginger drink 30 minutes before travel to help ease travel related nausea.
Ginger Helps In Weight Loss
Ginger is a natural appetite suppressant. Consumption of ginger is one of the best ways to aid in the weight loss process.Ginger helps you feel satisfied, so eating ginger or drinking ginger water can help curb the crave for food. Ginger also has low amount of calorie and can be used fresh, cooked or brewed for tea.
Photo Credit:Getty

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