Hair Damage: 5 Easy Ways To Deal With It

Your hair is your beauty. However, in a bid to keep up with your style needs, your hair might suffer some damage. This damage can be caused by a variety of factors, but the good news is that there is damage 7

When it comes to hair damage or beauty care, your lifestyle has a huge role to play. The products you use and the way you apply it is also very important. Hair damage is most times swept under the carpet until it blooms in its full cycle. By then, it will become a case of crying over spilled milk. You don’t need to go through that before you take adequate care of your. Hair damage starts from the roots and extends down the body till it manifests at the damage 6
1.Wash your hair less often: When your is constantly put under the care of shampoo and water, the hair tends to get dry and eventually it will lead to breakage. Reduce the frequency of your shampooing to prevent damage 5
2.Use heat protectant serums: Using serums that cause heat, can lead to build up which is bad for a healthy hair. It is preferable to use heat protectant ones to style your hair without worries.if you cant get the heat protectant serums then, its best to avoid it all damage 4
3. Give your hair a break: Constant pulling and tugging of your hair can cause hair damage. Try to give your hair the necessary break it deserves. Take a break from those extensions and tight fittings on your hair. This will definitely improve on the health of your damage 3
4.Watch your diet: Your diet is your body. It is your diet that supplies your body with the nutrients it needs, and this also applies to your hair. Junk foods and other fatty foods decrease your chances of having a healthy damage 2
5. Sleep in a loose up do at night: Your night routine is also important when dealing with damaged hair. be mindful of what stays on your hair throughout the night. ensure to always seen i a loose up do at night to reduce the friction between your hair and the material used to cover your pillow. The pillowcase fibre could tug at your hair while you turn or change position and this would lead to all sort of hair damage in the long run. It is best to avoid this by the simple up do, or get a satin hair net for greater damage 1Photo Credit: Getty

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