5 Simple Ways To De-stress During Coronavirus Lockdown

Stay stress-free during the coronavirus crisis is easier said than done, with lockdown restrictions, financial fears and health concerns at the top of the worry list.

However, there are a number of ways to reduce stress levels from your own home. Reducing your stress levels will help the body fight off any infections.

Stress can suppress the immune system and make you more vulnerable to infection, according to experts, by affecting your body’s ability to create white blood cells. Here are top tips on being less stressed:

1. Avoid the booze: You might feel like dancing around to Madonna after a few glasses of wine, but the next day you’re most likely going to feel a bit bad mood wise and thanks to your blood sugar dropping post booze, you’re going to most likely want to chomp through tons of biscuits.

Unfortunately drinking alcohol will not help you stay strong mentally or physically as alcohol and sugar (there is a lot of sugar in wine) depress our immune system, as well as playing havoc with our happy brain chemicals like serotonin.

2. Do some exercise every day: Try to do some exercise to boost mood and circulation each day by creating a mini routine and find something fun that keeps you fit and active that makes you feel better.

3. Read and write more: Write, read and keep focused on anything that makes you positive. Get some books out that you have been meaning to read for ages. Learn as much as you can – there is so much free information out there to help you study and grow through personal development.

Maybe there is a book you have wanted to write yourself? Now could be the perfect time.

4. Feel grateful: Practice gratitude. Despite this being one of the most testing times in history, many studies over the years have proven that giving thanks/practicing gratitude for everyday simple things we often take for granted.

This can be things such as sleeping in a warm comfy bed, plenty of hot water to make tea, books to read, the ability to be able to read, or having friends and family that love us. Just spending a few moments each day to acknowledge these things and feeling a sense of love and gratitude for them are shown to support mental wellbeing.

5. Take a deep breath: It seems obvious that breathing is just something we do, but most of us don’t use the breath as a way of controlling our inner peace. Before you eat a meal, focus on doing some deep belly breathing to help reduce anxiety and stress.

Try to use your inner breathing as a way of controlling the fire (anxiety and stress) just holding your tummy and breathing slowing and deeply into it throughout the day will help you to feel more peaceful and helps keep our body in a more alkaline state – which is better for your immune health.

Photo Credit: Getty

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