Strictly Ladies: Seven Steps To Having An Amazing Romantic Baecation

Taking a baecation is the dream for many couples but a lot of people never consider the kind of work and effort it takes to make a baecation successful and drama free.

Taking a baecation is the ultimate litmus tests for many relationships as this can either make it or break it. Planning the baecation together and deciding what you both want is essential in making everyone happy.These few tips will help you learn how to have a good baecation and make unforgettable memories.

1. Go for a weekend trip first: Baecations always assess how strong a relationship is. Before taking a long baecation together, take a weekend trip out of town together and drive to your destination. This trip will test your limits and if you can both tolerate each other for extended periods.

While on a getaway you cannot run away from your partner when you disagree and this is a big test on how your future baecations will be. Your partner will be the first person you see in the morning and the last person you see before you to sleep. You will spend a lot of time together, just the two of you. This is bound to teach you more about your partner and determine if you can handle his or her habits, the good, bad and ugly.

2. Come up with a workable budget: Before deciding on many other things, come up with a budget on how much money you want to spend on this baecation. You both must remain on the same page especially about money. Discuss your expectations and preferences as regards hotels, food, activities you want to take part in and even transport to and from your baecation spot. Come up with a budget together and make sure you are both comfortable with it and you can both meet your target on time.

3. Be open about your expectations: Before planning the baecation together, remember that closed mouths do not get fed. If you do not want to go somewhere your partner is hell-bent on visiting then be honest about it and look into visiting other places you both like. Avoid pretending just to impress your partner as you will end up spending money on a baecation you will spend the rest of your life hating.

4. Rely on each other’s strengths: The key to an amazing baecation is a partnership. Make sure that you both play your roles as you had agreed while planning the trip. Each person should do what they are good at and do it to the best of their ability. Helping each other will make the trip more bearable and fun.

5. Be ready to compromise: See to it that both your goals are accomplished during the trip. Make some compromises and take part in the activities your partner wants to do so that they don’t have to do them alone, and you can both create great memories from doing things together. Make sure you accomplish each person’s goals during the trip. Ensure that you both make the most out of the trip and have an unforgettable trip.

6. Enjoy the trip: A baecation is meant to be a time for both of you to explore a new country and go on many different adventures together. Bask in these moments as they do not come often given that people are too busy to take many breaks from work. Be open to trying new things and allow yourself to take everything in and live in the moment.

7. Spend some time apart: While on baecation, even though this time is meant to be spent together, make sure you set some time aside for you to spend alone. Go to the spa and get a massage and relax or go to a yoga class if that is what works for you. Baecations can choke you up without you realising because, despite the fact that you are both trying to relax, you will find yourself taking care of your partners needs more than your own. Thus it’s important to spend some time apart, an hour or two to do something that you enjoy.

Photo Credit: Getty

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