5 Homemade Cleaners For Your Stove, Burners And Gas Cylinders

When it comes to the kitchen, your stove, gas cylinders and burners see the most action and no matter how hard you try, drips, spills, and boil overs are going to happen. Even if you wipe down your stove top, drip pans and burners every day, that is still not enough.
Most ovens end up looking grimy and stained by the end of the week and require an excellent cleaning using a homemade stove cleaner. If you even glance at your stove, you can easily spot the burners that get the most use based on their grime level.5 Homemade Cleaners For Your Stove, Burners And Gas Cylinders
Having to deal with these may not be by choice but by circumstances. Probably the cleaning you do are not effective enough or the items used do not have the efficiency to keep your stoves and burner sparkling. Whilst many products have been reeled out by manufacturing companies to see to this important part of the kitchen, we recommend that you try out these 10 homemade, easy and affordable cleaners.
1. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda: Few other cleaners pack this amount of power. Brush off and discard any remaining debris on your stove. Sprinkle the complete surface with baking soda and then drizzle with the peroxide. Watch as it fizzes and breaks down the baked-on gunk. Simply rinse and dry once the stains have been lifted.
2. Boiling Water: If you have no extra products around the house but need to clean your cooktop quickly, try boiling water. Gently and carefully pour the boiling water over the dirty surface. If you let it sit until it cools, the tough stuff will simply wipe away. If necessary, scrub stubborn areas with a bit of soap on a sponge. This is a simple and eco-friendly solution because it uses completely natural and chemical-free elements.5 Homemade Cleaners For Your Stove, Burners And Gas Cylinders
3. Salt and Baking Soda: Blend one tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of salt. Next, add one tablespoon of water and mix the paste together. Dip a rag into the mixture and scour gunk away. Pour mixture on overflows. It absorbs liquid and makes clean up a breeze.
4. Vegetable or Olive Oil: This method calls for you to pour a little vegetable or olive oil out onto your stovetop. Using a cloth, scrub the oil into the caked-on messes. Then spray it all down with an all-purpose cleaner. This works wonders on the hood of your stove as well.
5. Soap, Water and Baking Soda: For this method, remove burners from the stovetop and using a cloth and a little mild dish soap and water, rinse any residue from the coils. For any cooked-on food debris that does not come off, mix a thick paste of equal parts baking soda and water, and then apply it to the troublesome spot. After about 20 minutes, scrub and rinse the burner. Replace the burner after it is thoroughly dry.5 Homemade Cleaners For Your Stove, Burners And Gas Cylinders
6. White Vinegar: White vinegar is the ultimate cleanser. It is used to clean glass stovetops by loosening streaks and stains. Just mix one part white vinegar to two parts tap water in an unused spray bottle. Next, spray the solution on your glass cooktop and wipe. The acidity of vinegar helps remove the grime. You can use this mixture for every day cleaning and disinfecting around your kitchen.
7. Baking Soda and Lemon: Lemons have natural grease cutting characteristics, and baking soda has natural antibacterial properties. Baking soda contains extremely fine particles that help remove baked-on stains but is gentle enough not to scratch the glass. Simply sprinkle a handful of baking soda on a glass stovetop. Then rub the surface using a slice of lemon. Wipe the area with a damp cloth to remove any remnants of the baking soda particles and lemon pulp.
8. Dish Soap and Baking Soda: Combine equal parts of dish soap and baking soda in a small bowl. Mix it together until it creates a frosting-like consistency with a slightly foamy texture. Next, apply the mixture to drip pans generously. Scrub down on the pans to loosen up the grime. Transfer the drip pans to zipper-top bags for about an hour, then move the pans from the bags and scrub the gunk away.
9. Baking Soda and Warm Water: Wash all burners with lukewarm water and dishwashing detergent to remove initial film. Make a thick paste cleaner of baking soda and water. Coat all burners with paste and let stand for 20 minutes. Scrub the softened food residue with a scrub brush and rinse thoroughly.
Read also: 5 Important Utensils And Gadgets You Must Have In Your Kitchen
10. Water, Vinegar, Lemon Oil and Baking Soda: Combine one cup of water and one cup white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Shake well. Sprinkle the baking soda directly on any stuck on food that spilled while cooking. Then spray the baking soda with the vinegar mixture. Wait until the baking soda stops fizzing and wipe clean, using the texture of the powder to scour off the grease. Repeat as needed until you’ve taken care of any tough spots.Photos Credit: Getty

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