Your Babe Is Miss Right If She Does These 3 Things

If your girlfriend does these 3 thing listed below, just be happy and thank your stars because you may just have found the one or your missing rib.
There are no perfect measures to decide what the best woman for you looks like, you can still know, to a large extent, that your babe is good for you if she does the listed below:
1 She’s your confidant: If she listen to you and provides necessarily conditions that allows you open your mind and soul to her. If she listens to you without ridiculing or judgement know that you have found a good woman.

2 She Independent: Every strong woman can be independent, fierce , soft, tender and emotional all at the same time. If you have a woman can balance all these traits well, you have found a perfect woman.
3 She Uncomplicated: When your babe is without complication or no shady conversations without an ex, no one either at work or anywhere that is too close for comfort.

Photo Credit: Getty

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