Beauty DIY: Top 3 Lip Care Tips For Dark Lips

The lips are super important no matter how small they are on the face. It does the majority of the talking and also serves as an enhancer of one’s beauty.
lip careAs a lady or guy, taking care of the lips is as important as taking care of the other parts of the body. In order to achieve this, here are the top 3 lip care tips for dark lips.
Lemon Scrub

A natural lightening agent used in most home remedies is lemon. Over time lemon has been an established health and beauty agent, it can be useful in dealing with dark lips. To use a lemon scrub it is advisable you do this daily in order to get a fast and desirable result. Simply cut up a lemon, apply it on your lips overnight and wash with lukewarm water the next day.
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lemon scrub
Citrus Balm
One great thing about keeping up with beauty trends is the fact that you can always do them yourself. To make a citrus balm, simply mix fresh lime juice, honey (this is a primary agent in most beauty care DIYs), and glycerine in a bowl. Apply this overnight and wash off in the morning for a healthy-looking cute lips.
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Tumeric is one of nature’s best friends when it comes to lightening any part of the body. Filled with a lot of benefits, Tumeric can be used to lighten dark lips. This plant which can be ground into powder form is also known to be a melanin inhibitor, which is perfect for lightening dark lips. Mix turmeric with milk to make a paste. Massage it onto your lips, leave it on for five minutes, rinse with water and follow up with your favorite moisturizer.tumeric
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