Strictly Ladies: Five Smart Ways To Help You Get Over Your Ex

Ending a relationship is never easy but after that break up, our hearts literally hurt and we feel a mix of confusion and sadness that we can’t stop thinking about the relationship. We are later left with so many questions. Do you delete their number? Do you unfollow them on all social media pages? Do you delete all the pictures you took with them? The bottom line is that it hurts and that the pain is preventing you from moving forward. While time is the best healer, here are 5 smart ways that will facilitate the process:1. Get rid of reminders: In case you have anything that belonged to him in your house, then you need to throw them away. Avoid cheering for his friends because they will always bring back the memories you shared since you could he hanging out together. Allow yourself to cry because living with denial doesn’t help with anything. Or rather you would go to the gym and hut the punching bag.2. Make peace with the past: Usually, anger helps you to be aware of situations that are not good for you. So, when you hold on to anger and resentment from past experiences we take them with us to the future which hurts us more. It’s advisable to let go off someone who hurt us to avoid them limiting your ability of moving forward. This will give you your emotional freedom.3.  Stop analysing and regretting: When you get a break up, the first thing to do is accepting the situation and decision by your partner. Stop analyzing the play by play of how the relationship was and don’t get stuck in the ‘would haves’ and the ‘should haves’. Avoid looking for reasons and explanations for the break up.4. Take advantage of your new freedom: Find out what you have been missing while you were in a relationship. Re-evaluate yourself and know what kind of person you want in your next relationship. Do not be afraid to talk to your genuine friends of how you feel. It will help you get over it. Enjoy more girl’s night out, spend more time with family and indulge in few guilty pleasures. Evaluate your dreams, priorities and know that happiness is the solution to forget your ex.  “Embrace the fact that your life has changed from ‘we’ to ‘me,’5. Love yourself more: Moving on from a relationship that was not working means you are loving yourself more.  In order to believe that you deserve to be in a loving relationship with someone who shares your values and treats you well requires that you view yourself in a positive way. Avoid blaming yourself and turn the pain into gain.Photo Credit: Getty

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