Strictly Ladies: 4 Ways To Avoid Becoming A Sex Object In Your Relationship

Being in a relationship is bliss. The time together, the gifts and most especially the sex.

There is, however, a great difference between your partner expressing their sexual attraction toward you and treating you like a sexual object. This could be due to what you may be doing and how you present yourself.

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1. Have deeper conversations:
Being objectified has a lot to do with someone’s opinion of you. They might look at you from a sexual perspective only failing to recognize your intelligence and emotions. You can prevent this from happening by being more deliberate about your conversations. Having conversations that go beyond how you look or the appearance of a certain body part will go a long way in ensuring that you are not just seen as a sexual object.
2. Make your feelings known: To avoid being objectified, you have to be able to bring out your feelings so that your partner can know they exist. Being objectified has no element of consideration of feelings hence you should encourage your partner to be more empathetic in their acts.
3. Bring out your personality: Does your partner know your true personality? You need to be able to realize that, revealing your personality will go a long way in humanizing you. Being objectified will be out of the question when you are open with your partner and they can see you for what you are.
4. Communicate openly: At the end of the day, communication is an important part of any healthy relationship. Talk with your partner about how you feel about being spoken to in a certain way. How they respond will show you how they truly feel about you. If they are open to improving, then you know he values you. However if he persists in speaking to you in a degrading manner, you might want to rethink the relationship.
Photo Credit: Getty

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