Relationship: 5 Key Points That Ensures Success In Online Relationships

African American woman using laptop

Many people have argued the possibilities of making an online relationship work. Some have argued that online relationships are only temporary and can’t work, but is this really true? Is it simply a hopeless romantic notion or can it really work? The truth remains that you can make any form of relationship work if you and your partner are willing to put in the required work. Here are five key areas you might need to focus on
Communication: For your online relationship to survive, communication is key. Since you do not have the option of meeting up daily to spend time together, you need to talk every day. If you do not talk often, the relationship will automatically begin to die slowly. First, you both need to decide which mode of communication is most comfortable to use i.e. phone, e-mail, Skype or chat. For a successful online relationship you both need to set aside specific times of the day that are convenient for both of you. It is also advisable to talk to your partner exclusively. This means when you have agreed on the most convenient time, ensure you are not chatting with other people at the same time. Give your partner undivided attention, consider it a date.
Make Your Conversations Personal: Having personal conversations helps both of you get to know one another better and more intimately. Just like physical relationships, intimacy is a very important factor for the success of any relationship. To have a more intimate online relationship you can begin by asking your partner specific questions about various areas of their lives. You can also do this by remembering some of the important thing they mention and following up to see the progress. E.g. if your partner had mentioned earlier about a sick relative, you can bring this up after a while. It also helps to remember important dates in your partner’s life e.g. birthdays, promotions. This shows concern and helps in cementing an emotional bond despite the distance.

Be Spontaneous: Do something different every now and then to spice things up. Most relationships fizzle out when there is no excitement. To begin with you can send your partner romantic e-cards or emails when they least expect it. E.g. you can randomly send your partner a romantic email at unexpected or unusual times of the day e.g. lunch time or early in the morning when they get to work. You can also find different things to do together online e.g. find some online two player games, share links, news articles or photos of things that fascinate you then discuss them. This will also help you know one another better and discover each other’s interests.
Be Cautious: No matter what stage of your online relationship you are on, you always need to remember all the online dating safety rules. Be careful when discussing money issues or any personal detail, this might be used against you in future. This is especially more important if you have never meet your partner in person. You never really know someone until you meet and interact for a while; you therefore need to tread carefully to avoid falling into a scam.
Discuss The Future: If you drag on a relationship for too long without discussing where it is going, one of you is bound to get bored of the relationship and look for someone else more serious. Deciding where the relationship also gives both of you something to look forward to. It also helps you know that you are not just wasting your time with someone who does not see you in their future. Remember the purpose of all relationships is to eventually lead to a long lasting serious commitment to one another. You, therefore, need to start knowing one another so that you can decide where the relationship is going.

Photo Credit: Getty

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