KOKO Quotes: The Moment You Doubt Whether You Can Fly, You Cease For Ever To Be Able To Do It ― J.M. Barrie

When thoughts begin to wander to “the dark side” of questioning and doubting one’s abilities, all one sees is impossibilities. ‘What if I can’t do it?’ ‘What if I can’t create something new?’ ‘What if people don’t like what I have done?’ ‘What if I don’t do it right?’ ‘What if I fail?’ ‘What if I fall?’ and many other questions will come to mind.

Doubt has been known to drain ones creative energy if one lets them, and the moment you begin to doubt, gradually you sink into the lull of inactivity. Before you know it, you cannot and will not achieve the feat.

The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it
― J.M. Barrie

If you find yourself being pulled into negative thoughts stemming from past experiences, fear or comments from others, staying present is key to being able to focus on the positive. Sometimes it’s as simple as getting outside in nature. For others, meditating may help. Just do something to balance the negativity.

Whenever the gnome strike with their demeaning comments of “you cannot do this”, say it aloud to yourself that “I can and will do it”. Then think of your past successes and KILL THE DOUBT!!!

You are more able than you think you are, cease doubting and you fly around the globe.

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