Lifestyle: Five Ways To Convince Your Boss To Give You A Vacation

This is one of the hardest topics to discuss with any boss. Leaving your work place for a while might make you seem not as ambitious as other colleagues at work or simply not committed or lazy. The thought alone on how to compose a mail to your boss for a vacation isn’t very comfortable. That feeling of guilt might not be bad after all since it means you have concern for the feelings of your boss and other colleagues you will be leaving at work when you eventually get the vacation. Below are five easy ways for you to vacate the office on a summer journey while leaving everyone happy including your self.
Consider Your Boss Perspective
It’s normal for your boss to be worried about you leaving the work place, even if it is for a few days since you have been delegated projects. To start the stage for a positive conversation, work out your boss’s perspective first. Taking your boss perspective into account helps you plan a request that’s easier to be granted. Your boss has competing needs like meeting incremental deadlines and co-ordinating your time and colleagues time simultaneously. So being considerate of your boss schedule and organisation’s welfare would not be a bad idea.Plan In Advance
Making certain your vacation request aligns with company procedure is a good start when asking for time off. Most times, people prefer compiling their vacation days so as to get longer vacations. But communication with your superiors about this is advisable. Make sure your vacation comes along when the organisation doesn’t have a tight schedule.Offer To Be Available
Speak pro-actively about how your usual responsibilities would be handled. This way your boss doesn’t see you as being inconsiderate since you have taken steps to ensure your work would be taken care of during the period you are away.
Make Your Travel Plans Known
No one likes to be taken unaware. You might think telling your boss at the last minute might make everything easier but it only makes you unreliable and makes you seem not trustworthy to both you boss and colleague.Play By The Rules
If you’re new to your company, check out when you’ll be eligible to take paid days off, and whether seniority plays a factor in scheduling. But perhaps more importantly, try to get a feel for how vacation time is perceived around your department. This will help ensure that your request won’t be frowned upon.Photo Credit: Getty

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