The Crossword: What Lies Do You Often Tell Yourself That Makes You Feel Less Than Everyone Else

Realistically there is this feeling of fear and doubt that consumes us whenever we are on a path to achieving something great. Your ability to manage that and come out with a level head largely depends on what you tell yourself. Most people lie to themselves because they are just lazy to striving to the point where there ought to be, while some are just scared of the unknown.A lie is something that you make yourself believe in order to make life a little easier. A lie is a paradigm under which you operate to avoid pain. A lie is something you want to believe because to consider the opposite would hurt your ego. And for a fact, a lie would cause you future pains and regret that might end up destroying you inside and out. Most times a lie gets trickish then our minds beggings to buy into it and you end up knowing the truth from a lie. But Below is some tips to guide you to hold yourself to a high standard of internal truth-telling.
A constructive criticism is not a personal attack
There is a difference between being an overly critical bully and an honest and helpful friend. If someone you consider a friend gives you a bit of honest, somewhat critical advice, you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it because no man is an island. The issues we are most unsure about tend to be the issues we get the most defensive and emotional about when confronted with ideas that challenge our opinions.Stop patronizing procrastination
Don’t forget today was tomorrow and will in 24-hour turn yesterday. If you don’t set out concrete steps for yourself and really narrow down exactly what is going to change and how tomorrow will be exactly the same as today. Don’t let yourself fall back upon old habits instead of striving for the change you wish to embody.
Stop believing you can convince every one of their own opinions
People would always have their opinions that are often times totally contrary to ours. But regardless of what they think or believe don’t be swayed because at the end, what really matters is your own opinion. If you believe something passionately that someone else passionately disagrees with, you are never going to be able to change their mind.Take chances and stop thinking it’s not meant for you
Everyone gets scared sometimes, and that’s not a bad thing. Fear keeps us from doing stupid things or getting into situations that may harm or kill us, and it has been essential in our development as a species. But fear can do more harm than good when we’re artificially creating it to avoid unpleasant situations. Next time you start to worry about something, take a deep breath and decide whether or not it’s something worth getting worked up about.
Stop doubting yourself because no one is as good as you are
Age is what you make of it. Are you really too old to make new friends or take up a new hobby? Chances are, you’re not, and you would be happier if you made the attempt. Don’t start telling yourself you are too old to try new things; if you live for another decade or more, that’s over a decade that you’ve been telling yourself you’re too old to do them.
In a nutshell, being honest and true with yourself simply means to be completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world.Photo Credit: Getty

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