The Crossroad: Don’t Give Up Just Yet! Taking That Bold Step Should Be Your Resolve

There are times in life we feel out of place especially when nothing seems to be working, we feel like mere spectators who are on earth to watch or read about other people’s success story. Most times we even feel like all creations of God are working against our existence. We feel we ain’t good enough to achieve something great in life!!! And it is usually at this point the thoughts of giving up starts creeping into our minds, downsizing our soul, which in most cases end in suicide. These perplex me all the time, how people are willing to give up on ‘Life’ which is one thing in the universe that holds true intrinsic value. When people are faced with a challenge they feel is too much for them to handle, they are quick to forget that what gives life meaning is the struggle that we live through. Three Things you should have in mind when faced with this crossroad.Knowing What You Truly Want
You giving up on life is because you haven’t taken that little bold step that will skyrocket you to that great height you so dream of…you still subject yourself to limitations believing that inner voice that whispers “you can’t do it’ letting it take charge of your being and weaken your spirit. Your ability to overcome that “I can’t do it” is staying determine to what you truly desire that would make you happy.Why You Shouldn’t Give Up
It’s so ironical that it is only ‘difficult’ when you are yet to pass that phase but soon after you come out of it, you would look back and want to tell people how courageous you were.
Remember, it is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Just believe you can achieve anything in life if you trust your guts, but you can’t if you keep limiting yourself, giving in to fear (fear of breaking boundaries, taking risks, being rejected e.t.c). Do not let people talk you into giving up…if God hasn’t given up on you then why are you giving up on yourself? You can be whatever you want to be by not giving up even before starting. Be Bold, Be confident and believe you are the next big thing waiting to happen.There Is Always A Brighter Tomorrow
Stay positive, let your level of positivity always outshine negativity and believe in your “I CAN DO IT” spirit. As long as it does not involve you taking your life or that of your loved ones then take that risk and believe a positive result will come out of it. Your zeal to achieving greatness should be your driving force and not the thoughts of giving up.
N.B  When the thoughts of giving up become so strong that you feel you can’t resist, seek help, and talk to someone most especially God. As humans, challenges are an aspect of life we will keep running into and it can either break us or make us. Photo Credit: Getty

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